Text Box: Leading Supplier to the Life Science Industries 
Innovation is key in scientific research and discoveries and innovation is what comes to mind when one thinks of the name Lonza. Lonza was established in 1897 on the banks of the river Lonza, where it got its name, in Valais, Switzerland. With the aim of becoming one of the world’s leading suppliers of active ingredients of pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and research products Lonza continued to grow and acquire new technologies brining you innovations such as the Amaxa Nucleofector and the FlashGel 5 minutes DNA separation technologies. 
The innovations Lonza brings to the scientific community come from an understanding of how precious is a researcher’s time. Consequently, Lonza products are all optimized for the best possible performance from the specialized media for each specific cell type to the highly innovative new time saving protein running and transfer buffers  
Lonza is the proprietor and supplier of such brand names as
Seakem LE Agarose and GelStar Nucleic Acid Stain
TheraPEAK Mesenchymal Stem Cell Media
Prosieve EX Protein Analysis
Amaxa Nucleofector transfection technology 
For more information please visit http://www.lonzabio.com
MMSLonza Serum Free MediaText Box: Cell and Molecular Biology


Lonza Agarose

To contact us:

Text Box: 45 ROAD 77 Maadi - 11431 Cairo Egypt

Phone1:  +202 2378 1946
Phone2:  +202 2751 3975
Fax:        +202 2380 3028
Email1: maadi@maadimed.net
Email2: maadi.med@tedata.net.eg